- From: "Patrick 'P. J.' McDermott" <pjm АТ nac DОТ net>
- To: proteanos-dev АТ lists DОТ proteanos DОТ com
- Date: Sun, 19 May 2013 09:59:46 -0400
- Message-id: <5198DAD2 DОТ 3020507 АТ nac DОТ net>
I've made an updated list of software that should be packaged [1] and a
list of existing packages that need to be updated to SPF 2.0 and
opkhelper 3.0 [2].
Much of this work should be done sometime this summer. Will anyone be
available to work on it?
If you are interested in working on a package, please send a message to
this list and/or update the wiki. I will set up a publicly accessible
repository on git.proteanos.com for you if you'd like.
As always, I'll try to help and answer any questions you may have by
e-mail or IRC.
[1]: http://www.proteanos.com/dev/pkg/needed/
[2]: http://www.proteanos.com/dev/pkg/spf-2.0/
Patrick "P. J." McDermott