Initial port bootstrap scripts
- From: "Patrick 'P. J.' McDermott" <pjm АТ nac DОТ net>
- To: proteanos-dev АТ lists DОТ proteanos DОТ com
- Date: Sat, 01 Jun 2013 13:58:35 -0400
- Message-id: <51AA364B DОТ 3030305 АТ nac DОТ net>
Ahoy hoy,
As I mentioned a month ago, I've designed a two-stage native bootstrap
process for ProteanOS 1.0's first port. Some details of this process
have been on the wiki [1] for a while.
I've now written a set of scripts [2] to automate the bootstrapping
process and make it easy for anyone to reproduce.
Anyone interested should clone the repository and see the README file.
The bootstrapping process isn't complete. Stage 1 is mostly done and
working well in tests, but stage 2 hasn't been started (since stage 1
must be done first).
Patrick "P. J." McDermott